Web / UI developer with 3+ years experience developing people centric, attractive ad intutive interfaces to maximize user experience.
Believer in the cycle of curiosity, hunger, learning, knowledge and wisdom.
Web / UI developer with 3+ years experience developing people centric, attractive ad intutive interfaces to maximize user experience.
Believer in the cycle of curiosity, hunger, learning, knowledge and wisdom.
A quiz with questions from Open Trivia database API using React, React-Hooks, React-router, Context API and CSS for style the project
Live demoGitHub repoA TODO app with React, Redux for state management and effects with Framer motion.
Live demoGitHub repoOwn business, procurement and sales of silk. Weft processing for strength and durability
System engineer at Tata Consultancy Services. Developing and maintaining web pages with Teamsite
Engineering graduation fom SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore